Overflowing: Coffee and Conversation
For Ministers, Shepherds, Connect Group Leaders, Staff and their spouses
This is the first in a series of Coffee & Conversation events for the entire congregation beginning Feb 29, March 1, and March 2.
We wanted to share this preview with you for two reasons. First, each of you plays a key role in providing information to the Madison family. Your early access to the same information we will be sharing with the congregation keeps you informed and better prepared to answer questions after the Feb. 29th event. Second, this preview gives us the opportunity to “dry run” the information, gain your feedback, and fine tune our presentation prior to the Feb. 29th event. We can’t wait to share with you the campaign plan, the vision for the expanded facilities, and enjoy a time of fellowship and conversation together. Please “Save the Date” for Saturday Night, Feb. 24th, 7 pm to 8:30 pm for Overflowing: Coffee & Conversation. Childcare will be provided by our experienced MKC staff in the Fellowship room. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Enter directly into the Madison Room from the southside door
Childcare provided in the Fellowship Room by MKC – Enter the south entrance to drop the children off at the Fellowship Room Doors.